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Divination Menu

Rune Readings

15 minutes     $30

30 minutes     $50

45 minutes     $70

1 hour             $90

Oracular Work

30 minutes     $60

45 minutes     $80

1 hour           $100

Self determined Sliding Scale (Limited)*

15 minutes (Runes only)     $10-$25

30 minutes                           $25-$45

45 minutes                           $40-$55

1 hour                                  $55-$70


Scheduling an appointment

Choose from one of our talented Divination Team members by looking through their bios below. Each of our hand chosen practitioners are gifted in unique ways. All of our practitioners are available for video and phone appointments. Please use the contact information of your chosen practitioner and schedule an appointment with them directly. 


Rune reading pricing and Oracular pricing are set in stone, and cannot be negotiated. There are some days of the month practitioners will offer self determined sliding scale prices for folks who need a more financially accessible option. In special circumstances, occasionally a couple of our practitioners will be open to donating their services, but that won’t be a regular occurrence.


Payment is due before the end of your appointment with your practitioner. Payments will also be made directly to your chosen practitioner, The Way of Fire & Ice does not take any percentage of these payments. If you enjoyed your appointment, please consider tipping and becoming a regular client.

Types of readings

-Rune readings are great for most questions and problem solving. Runes will be picked and arranged according to the individual practitioner's personal practice and used to answer your life's questions. Our rune readers also tend to mix in a bit of oracular channeling into their rune practice on occasion. Because the gate to divinity is open, the Powers of Yggdrasil often feel the desire to interject through our rune readers.

-Oracular work is an ancient and rare skill in which practitioners use their unique talent of channeling entities to answer questions. This is a great option for folks looking to connect to the dead, ancestors, gods, and other Powers of Yggdrasil directly. If you’re seeking out a specific person who has passed, the Oracle/Seer may ask you some direct questions in order to ensure they are interacting with the correct individual. This type of work can be deeply emotional, and very rewarding.

*Self determined sliding scale services are meant for folks who consider themselves low income and cannot afford our set menu prices. We trust our community members to make that self determination, and you will not be questioned about the circumstances of your income. We will announce on our social media platforms when these services will be offered in advance. There will be limited slots available on limited days and times. You can also email our sliding scale practitioners listed below in order to be contacted directly when a slot becomes available. Currently we have limited practitioners who will be making this type of offering, although any practitioner on our divination team is welcome to participate in our sliding scale option.

Divination Team

Rune Readers

C Foxnose




C Foxnose has lived around the United States, and currently lives in the French Quarter in New Orleans, LA, US. They practice a form of animism, incorporating work with a variety of entities, mostly from the Norse tradition, with detours into Slavic and other territory. Explicitly anti-racist, pro-LGBTQIA+, and against banning books.

C Foxnose reads Elder Futhark runes made of various materials depending on the questions involved. They also read several oracle card sets, including Baba Yaga cards. They work with the Nornir, Frigga, Odin, Hel, and Freyja, as well as Baba Yaga and Veles. Before each reading, they petition the appropriate entity asking to see and tell the truth as is needed by the querent. Whatever they see, they say.

Kenn Edwards / Rune Walker 




Kenn was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1975. He grew up in a rural town in Northern Utah, where he still resides in his great-grandparents' home.


Kenn has accepted the path of a Rune Walker in the Northern Traditions of Pre-Christian Northern Europe, Norse, and Anglo-Saxon. He provides services to his local and global communities. Kenn teaches classes and provides readings, guided meditations, and healing sessions.


Remembering the Runes and growing relationships with Them and the Old Gods of Northern Europe has connected Kenn to the past and his ancestors that shape his worldview. It provides him the tools to enrich his life and truly access his essence as a passionate, free being. It allows him to enjoy living life one moment at a time while respecting and admiring the cycle within which we exist.

His divination protocol includes cleansing, ritually setting up items employed during divination, recitation of his prayer, opening the divination connection to Yggdrasil, and closing down of the space when finished.


"In this life, I strive for harmony and freedom while pursuing knowledge and experiences to enrich and enjoy my journey. I desire to take on life’s experiences with ambition. I will honorably and resourcefully face the challenges placed before me."

Sophia Fate-Changer, sliding scale reader






Sophia has been practicing Norse Paganism for for over twenty years, and reading Elder Futhark Runes for just as long. They are a co-founder of The Way of Fire & Ice radically inclusive Norse Pagan practice, and contribute to the modern tradition by teaching the Rune Path set of courses, Path of the Seer course within the Volur Path, and other various classes and workshops. They also self published The Language of Fire & Ice, an Approachable Guide to the Elder Futhark, which is available in our resources tab. 

Sophia is a mixed person of color with indigenous Central American and Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry, nonbinary queer, mischievious parent, polyamorous wife, and crafter specializing in sigils and bindrunes.

Sophia's personal, modern practice heavily revolves around implementing the ethical values that the runes and Norse lore provide. Their rune readings typically make use of three or four sets of Runes that measure three different aspects of Norse fate such as Orlog, Wyrd, and Hamingja (circumstances set in stone, how you choose to interact with those circumstances, and the influence of luck in your life).

Kara Unndis, sliding scale reader






Kara Unndis is a heathen, oracle, animist, and Reclaiming witch. She was born, raised, and lives on the tribal lands of the Haudenosaunee, Osage, Shawnee, and Lenape along the three rivers that thread their way through Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her magic is rooted in runes, sigils, sounds, silence, spirits, plants, foods, and fibers.


She is a licensed professional counselor and clinical supervisor by trade, and her calling is to be a facilitator of healing and a warrior for the rights and well-being of all peoples. Ravensong has been teaching and facilitating in various local pagan communities (Spiritways CUUPS, Reclaiming Pittsburgh, Spiralheart Witchcamp) for 20 years and is grateful to be a part of the Fire and Ice teaching collective.

Ravensong works with the Elder Futhark, tarot, and oracle cards regularly. She is very intuitive when working with divination, and finds it to be a helpful tool and guide in her personal practice, and is happy to share her skills and insights, such as they are, with others.


Ryan Smith






Ryan Smith has been a practicing Pagan since his teens with over fifteen years of experience in inclusive and anti-racist Heathen spirituality and has been reading the runes for most of that time.  He is the author of The Way of Fire & Ice: The Living Tradition of Norse Paganism and Spinning Wyrd: A Journey Through the Nordic Mysteries, teaches classes in Fire & Ice Heathenry for the Fellowship Teaching Collective, and presented talks and rituals at the Harvard Divinity School, Pantheacon, the Gathering Paths presented by Between the Veils, Hexenfest, and Many Gods West.

When Ryan does readings, he uses a blend of the Elder, Younger, and Anglo-Saxon rune sets so he can offer clients a more complete, thorough reading and sometimes also incorporates Tarot card pulls for providing further clarity.  He sees rune readings as both a valuable divinatory tool and as an effective mechanism for provoking self-reflection, contemplation, and meditation. 

Seers / Oracles

Dee Shull




Dee Shull as been a practicing Heathen/Vanatruar for over ten years, and has practiced a variety of oracular work for more than twenty-five year. This experience includes oracular work in large public rituals, as well as one-on-one sessions. Among the Norse Powers, they primarily work with the Vanir (Freyr, Freyja, Nerthus, and Njordh, among others) and the Nornir.


To achieve a connection with the divine, Dee enters a light to medium trance state. Depending on the needs of the querent, they can retrieve information while primarily staying in Midgard, or shift their awareness to the Well of Wyrd to seek answers there.





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©2024 by On Black Wings.  Background and banner art by Valerie Herron.

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