Did you watch your tears
sink into the sea?
Drops of ocean thawing
From their mountain Queen?
Did you hear the gulls
Screeching their bold songs
And hear a parody
Of where you belonged?
Of whistling peaks
And bright blinding snow?
The wolves deep inside you
Were ready to go.
How did you grieve it
Your father and life
Your home and your passions
To be a new wife?
Nobody told me
To bottle the tears
The ocean in mountains
I used to hold dear.
Did you find your re-
flection? Stranger's eyes?
Did you think about dying?
Not worth to survive.
What kept you going?
How'd you get back home?
Wayfind me, princess.
I'm so god damn alone.
You found yourself new
Back home in your hills
I don't want to leave though
Fuck. What a thrill!
To realize the sea
The mountains, the lows
They aren't my home now
You already know.
Home is the howling
The seagulls, the tears
Home is wherever
I treasure my years.
Lady, how'd you know?
When it was time to go?
I don't think
I'm ready yet.