On Black Wings is proud to announce that applications are now open for the Fellowship Apprenticeship Class of 2025. The Apprenticeship Program is a dedicated, intensive year-long training for anyone interested in deepening their practice, taking on a greater role in our community, and helping build inclusive, radical Heathen spirituality. We provide training for people who are interested in stepping into the sacred roles of Goðar, the ritualists and facilitators of gatherings, Völur, the seers and mystics, Skalds, the storytellers, poets, and lorekeepers, and Vörðrs, the protectors and guarantors of ritual space.
If you are interested in finding out more and applying for the Class of 2025, which begin in January 2025, then please head on over to the apprenticeship training page for additional information and the application form. If you are interested but still need to complete prerequisite classes then please head over to our classes page, see what is on offer, and sign up!